Chicken Police – Paint it RED!

A narrative-driven adventure with a mystery-solving detective gameplay.

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App Info

  • Rating

    Restricted to 15+

  • Release

    Jun 29, 2021

  • Last Update

    Fixed freeze after the car chase scene

  • Genre



MEET THE CHICKEN POLICE Sonny Featherland and Marty MacChicken were once a legendary detective-duo, called the Chicken Police. But that was almost a decade ago, and time had ruthlessly passed them by. Now Sonny and Marty are forced to work together on a case that is weirder than anything they've ever encountered before! NARRATIVE-DRIVEN, DETECTIVE GAMEPLAY Chicken Police is a story-rich and dialogue-heavy game combining elements of the visual novels and classic adventure games. The game has more than 30 characters to talk to, with some having to be seriously interrogated. Collect tons of clues, evidence, and highly sensitive personal information from the shady characters of Clawville to use ruthlessly against them! EXPLORE THE CITY OF CLAWVILLE (again, and again...) There are more than 30 places to visit and some of them will change several times during the story. You can return to previous locations on several occasions, to find hidden secrets, meet new characters and gather information about the world and its inhabitants. A CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE Chicken Police has a weirdly stunning visual style made with the usage of real photos and photo-realistic 3D backgrounds, inspired by classic film-noir movies and influenced by animated features. Its noir mood is enhanced by an original music soundtrack, backed up by professional voice acting for all characters with more than 8 hours of spoken dialogue! Chicken Police is a satire, which recalls the mood and atmosphere of the 40's film-noir movies, and as the best noirs and hardboiled detective stories, it's so gritty and hopeless, that it can only be served with a lot of cynical humor. KEY FEATURES · A thrilling, rich storyline with a classic film-noir twist · Professional voiceover with more than 8 hours of spoken dialogue! · A carefully crafted, ""colorful"" world · A complex interrogation system · More than 30 unique, fully voiced characters · A cinematic film-noir like experience with more than 20 cutscenes! · Lots of clues, information, and collectibles to find · A beautiful original soundtrack · Supported text languages: DE, EN, ES, FR, RU, HU, ZH-CN, JA · Audio language: EN only AWARDS 🏆 Dev GAMM „Excellence in Audio“ 🏆 IGN Japan “GOATY 2020” 🏆 Aggie Awards 2020 “Best Music (Reader’s Choice)” 🏆 Gamescom “Game of the show (Gamer’s Pick)” 🏆 Metacritic “#43 Best PC Game 2020” 🏆 WTLW Gamescom Awards “Best Atmosphere” © HandyGames


  • Hannah

    starts out strong but it truly struggles in the final third. you begin to guess where the story is going and think it must be a red herring, nope. it felt like a lot more was supposed to happen and they ran out of funding or something. a big shame because it's otherwise quite enjoyable.

  • B K (Iceberg)

    Seemed like a really cool game, got as far as the telephone part, then the spin function just wouldn't allow me to select the right number to call, I could only get 2 fives in before it would freeze. Graphics are great, story and game function worked well...other than the phone. I've been searching for a game like this, just wished it worked for me.

  • Tyler Durden

    I'm really enjoying the game. It's gritty, interesting, and engaging. But I ran into an issue I saw others mention and it would be nice to see a fix. I used the phone too early at the weekend house and now I can't advance. 5 stars if they fix the issue.

  • Silent Watcher

    It ran well, it looks nice, it's cheap even at full price, it's voice acted, but by god it's scalding hot. The text and UI is well adapted. The zoom feature is questionable, but the game will give summary of each items/images with text pop-ups. The awful part is the temperature. You could cook chicken eggs in 20 min. There's no option to lower the resolution or fps cap. A shame really, as this is decent game otherwise. The dialogues felt off at times, but overall it still got that noir vibe.

  • Barbara Huggins

    Amazing. This was a substantial multifaceted creative game! It was just silly enough to keep my attention. I recommend if you are looking for a premium point and click adventure. It is mostly talking in rooms with characters but the developers put enough variation to keep it interesting. I think they are doing world building so it's possible that there could be more games in the future!

  • Nya Hargan

    I want to love it but I can't do that if I can't actually play the game. About halfway through, it bugged. I looked up the solution (break the jukebox) and I cannot do that or leave the area I am in. It wouldn't be such a big issue if there was a save feature and I could reload a previous save, but my only option now is to completely restart. It's a shame because otherwise I thought it was great. I'm not likely to restart after hours of play lost with no guarantee that it won't happen again.

  • Nicole

    It was a great game but when you get really into it , at the part where your in the car having a shoot out , it freezes when you actually succeed in getting through that level and nothing you do gets it passed that point . Even tried Uninstalling and re installing and it's the same. Not cool when it's a paid full game 😒

  • Amy Simmons

    Cool concept, but they definitely leaned in way too hard with the theme and not enough with the gameplay. I was clawing my eyes out just trying to move the story forward but there was just so much banter you have to wade through. I ended up uninstalling.

  • Matea Lenček

    Very nice graphics and sound. The characters are well thought through, and you just have to love every one of them. The storyline is intriguing and keeps you hooked. Overall, the game is very well made, and I would love to solve some more mysteries with the Chicken Police duo. Keep up the good work!

  • Cathie Glover

    I was enjoying this immensely but after I got the painting piece I could no longer proceed further. The only places I can go are the weekend house, the diner, and the police station, and there is nothing more I can do in any of those places. The diner and cop station have hour glasses over them, while the weekend house has a shield over it. Looks like other people have had this issue but the devs don't care to fix it.

  • Lindow Kiruwazu

    I just bought it today. Played the game for a good amount of 4 hours straight only to find out that it doesn't do auto save and no way of manual saving in game either. I lost my hours of progress of them game. You need to add an introduction or literally a save button in the menu..


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